Saturday, January 23, 2016

Realistic Bug Triaging

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Type: Publication (accepted)

Venue: The 38th International Conference on Software Engineering
May 14-22, 2016, Austin, TX, USA

Authors: Ali Sajedi Badashian
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada

Bug triaging, i.e., assigning a bug report to the developer “best” able to address it, involves identifying a list of developers qualified to understand and address the bug report and ranking them according to their expertise. Most research in this area addresses this task by matching the description of the bug report and the developers’ prior development and bug-fixing activities.
This thesis puts forward a more realistic formulation of the bug-triaging task. First, we develop a novel model of the developers’ expertise, taking into account relevant evidence from their code-development conributions, as well as their contributions to relevant Question-and-Answer (Q&A) platforms. Second, we adopt an economics perspective to the task, and we propose to generalize bug-triaging from“assigning one bug to the best developer”to“cost-effectively assigning multiple peding bugs to a set of qualified and available developers.” In this paper, we report on our early results on the value of broadening the notion of developer’s expertise to take into account evidence from Q&Aplatforms.

Bug triaging, bug assignment, expertise retrieval, crowdsoucring, GitHub, Stack Overflow